Archive for October, 2009

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Air Legends” has been a big success for me since it launched in Jan 2009. Now with game #2 under way (and feeling great), it just feels right to give a little back.

So I’ve reduced the price to 80 Microsoft Points. That’s $1 USD folks.

  • enjoy it
  • rate it
  • tell all ya mates!

I’d also like to remind you that in May 2009 the game was Updated with significant gameplay improvements.
Be sure to give it another try, and please do Rate it either on the Dashboard or the web marketplace.

Cheers all!

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 245 user reviews.

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

Rss for my previous post (first in months) seemed to be buggerised by fvcking spammers – go figure. Let’s see if this works.


Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 172 user reviews.

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

YES, I’m still here!

My blogging (or lack of) is inversly proportional to how busy I’ve been with life in general.

I am happy to report that…

  • I do in fact have another Indie game in the works
  • all going well, I’ll be able to blog about it sooinish
  • …when it is closer to completion
  • …in a few weeks / maybe a month or two. Rough guess

Sharky :)

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 299 user reviews.