Monday, April 28th, 2008
No more “preview builds”, this is the real deal folks. I’ve just uploaded the new release here.
In my best tacky movie trailer voice I say “If you see one “Sharky’s Air Legends” this year – SEE THIS ONE!”.
I’m stoked to release what I consider a complete game. By complete I mean, it is less a sandbox experience, more a gaming experience. The gameplay now has purpose & tension with scoring implemented and a game over screen showing player stats. Rest assured I will continue to enhance air legends adding better and better features etc… I also can’t wait to bring it to the living rooms of XBOX 360 owners across the world, when Microsoft open the home-brew games floodgates to 10 million XBOX Live users.

There is a huge number of changes in this version (some of which you’ll have seen in my recent “preview” builds). Barely a piece of code went untouched/unoptimized.
- Stability improved! solved all XBOX 360 crashes, so hopefully helps those that experienced Windows crashes. None of which I’ve been able to repro.
- HUGE improvements to the AI aircraft
- can choose team size for a much larger battle. Up to 5 vs 5. (Allies vs Axis)
- choice of game play between Battle & co-op. Co-op ensures players fly the aircraft of the same team
- Smarter camera keeps closest enemy in view, or if too far away looks in that general direction
- New “Look around” control, lets you override the smart camera for a period of time
- now team based scoring. +1 points for bullet hit on an enemy. -1 points for bullet hit on a friendly
- selectable Score Limit + game over screen with player stats
- Smoke is thicker/darker the more you are damaged
- your aircraft doesn’t leave the screen view so often. Not perfect, but good enough for now
- Now cross-platform with an XBOX 360 build available too
- memory usage optimizations
- refactored particle systems for less memory & better performance
- Special Maneuver can now be performed with either the “Left Shoulder” button or “Left Trigger” on XBOX 360 controllers
Go grab the new Windows & XBOX 360 version from the Latest Build page here.
One last thing…
Don’t forget to help me win a Nintendo Wii!