Archive for September, 2010

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Luke Schneider of the one-man Indie game studio Radiangames has been interviewed by Gamasutra over here.

Check out…

“In-Depth: Radiangames On Finding Success in $1 Increments”.

A great read, and inspiring for other one-man studios such as mine.

IMHO, Radiangames produce some of the coolest, most polished Indie games on the Marketplace. Good work!

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 159 user reviews.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Quick post while I munch breakfast.. So what’s game #2 all about?

I’m happy to announce “Air Legends – MiG Madness”. Still a work in progress, getting pretty polished. My aim is to launch as soon as possible but pre-christmas 2010.

What is MiG Madness?…

  • for the Xbox 360. Coming soon to Xbox Live Indie Games.
  • JET aircraft dogfighting from the Korean War era.
  • 1-4 player co-op (local) on the same screen
  • Survive waves of increasingly difficult enemy
  • Rescue system for dead players
  • Exploded enemies drop their loot. i.e. rockets, health, etc…
  • Threat indicator
  • 3D Audio
  • Day-Night-Cycle

Enough talk, check out the 1st teaser vid…

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 198 user reviews.