Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

My wife has been having issues with a Ventrilo (VoIP) server she uses while gaming with her buddies.  As you can imagine the whole space time continuum is in jeopardy here. ;)

It’s based in Australia, but the performance was always fine until a few weeks ago. It used to ping around 200 ms, but now it’s more like 5000 ms+ and totally unusable.

We have reasons to believe it is only affecting people using “ihug” as their ISP.  After weeks of silence IHUG are now claiming they’ve done all they can.  I don’t know enough about this stuff, so before we go switching ISP’s I’d like to see how the other ISP’s fare with this server. I’m wondering if perhaps it’s not only ihug, but all the ISP’s that rebrand Telecom’s wholesale ADSL deal.

All I need you to do is this.  From your home connection, at the Command Prompt:

  • ping
  • tracert
  • copy & paste the results to me as a blog comment, along with your ISP name, type (adsl/cable/wireless) & City. 

Thanks in advance.

p.s.  I have actually been really happy with ihug’s features, price & service to date.  But this one thing is a bit of a killer if the grass is greener elsewhere. 

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 181 user reviews.

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

I’m still learning how to blog and make pages.

At least I now have some initial Game dev pages in the right hand page links.

Some of you will have already seen the latest batch of screenshots. Stay tuned for more!


Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 292 user reviews.

Monday, August 14th, 2006


So here it is, my first Blog!


Big ups to JD for hosting me.   :)


Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 227 user reviews.