March 19th, 2007 by Sharky

kick it on 

So before anyone asks…

Are you playing the latest build of Air Legends and puzzling about the Player 2 keyboard controls?

Here’s the shakedown.  I chose to use the Numeric key Pad so as to avoid any nasty elbow injuries or intimacy issues with a Player 1 also sharing the same keyboard.

Now that’s all well and groovy, but just remember to check NumLock is ON.  Otherwise you’ll probably find you’re actually controlling Player 1.   With numlock off they seem to double as another set of cursor keys.  Now that could come in handy if the dogfight gets dirty.  Not that I’d condone that sort of caper. No, not at all.  ;)  

(for some reason Turbo Lax comes to mind)


BTW, the NumLock thing was a late discovery last night actually. But I was determined to get a release out in the wild.  I wonder If I can lock the NumLock ON somehow?

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  1. Ultrahead Says:


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