March 15th, 2010 by Sharky

kick it on 

I never was a big fan of Splitscreen, so Game #2 has…

  • 1-4 player coop on the same screen – IMPLEMENTED, tweaks ongoing!!!
  • 3D Audio!!! (not really possible with splitscreen) – COMPLETE!!!

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 218 user reviews.

4 Responses to “”

  1. Jeff Says:

    Glad to see you blogging again mate! Keep up the good work and post some screenshots of the new game :)

  2. Sharky Says:

    Thanks. Oh man, I can’t wait to do the big unveil. I will once I’ve 3D modeled the games namesake first. Sounds backwards I know, but all will become clear.


  3. pixelrimes Says:

    Hi Sharky, I was looking for some reference on Hawker Tempest and found your blog :) Congratulations on your success with Air Legends and it’s great to know you’re busy with the 2nd one!

    Just thought I should share my Tempest MK V here and thank you for inspiring me!


  4. Sharky Says:

    Wow, nice work. I’m a totally amateur 3D modeler really. Looks like your a pro.