November 10th, 2006 by Sharky

kick it on 

It’s been quite a ride, but I have finally finished converting the game over to XNA beta 2.

Go get the new build at my latest build page.

(for those that couldn’t try it before, beta 2 now has a redistributable install. This means there is no longer any need to install all the developer tools just to try the game.)

About the conversion…

The initial code conversion went fairly smoothly – until I tried running it. There must have been enough subtle changes to XNA under the hood that my game simply didn’t render like it used to. Basically naive code assumptions on my part, that by some fluke worked under beta 1.

  • RenderStates, not being explicitly set at times
  • AlphaBlending troubles
  • and to top it all off, my 3D model was rendering very strangely indeed. Even had Mickey Mouse ears at one point. Sorted now – my bad.

So, all issues are ironed out, and such a relief! I really couldn’t have done it without the most excellent support of Microsoft’s XNA Team. I will blog about them real soon.

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