November 13th, 2006 by Sharky

kick it on 

Well, I guess it’s official.  “Sharky’s Air Legends” is the *working-title* for my game in progress.

As with the game itself, the title just evolved.  It came about when Microsoft needed some kind of title for featuring in their XNA showcase video, and was actually one of their suggestions (the game’s filename was “Legends.exe”).  Has a nice enough ring to it, so I just went with it.

Obviously, if I ever went commercial with the game, I’d have to think up something less “homebrew” feeling.  It’s not like the namesake was ever an Ace fighter pilot, now was I?

Whatever happens, I think the “Legends” part of the title would probably stick.  Part of my motivation to create yet-another-WWII-game is because there really is so much WWII lore left to tell.  The long-term goal of my game would be to let the player easily experience these legendary aircraft in scenarios typical of what they fought in. 

Now for a short history lesson:

So many legendary match-ups, and missions!  (And so little time to make a game from it all.)

Oh, and here’s another scenario to put in the game:  For those that didn’t grow up hearing all this stuff from their Dads like I did,  this’ll make your jaw drop…

Spitfire vs Doodlebug

“A Spitfire using its wingtip to ‘topple’ a V-1 flying bomb (aka. Doodlebug)”

AWESOME, that’s what I’m talk’n about right there!



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