May 7th, 2009 by Sharky
The Air Legends update I’ve been blogging about is now one step closer to release – now in Peer Review. If you’re a Creators Club member, I’ll be mighty grateful if you check it out. Cheers!
It adds some great improvements that I hope address a couple of common complaints about the game, while retaining the existing gameplay for those happy with it.
Final change list below… includes a cool new feature I’ve not mentioned before.
- new game “Speed” option of Normal, Speedy or MANIC. These will effect the aircraft speed, acceleration, turn rate & increase bullet damage noticably. MANIC in particular should appeal to the more “twitch” gamer types. While Normal is the status quo.
- New “Flight School” mode for learning and practicing the Controls. This is basically a free flight mode with interactive instruction, hints and tips.
- Lastly, due to popular request I’ve added a 2 second invulnerability after respawning. Something that should always have been there, but I shelved to make my new year launch deadline.
- Added animated score +/- for when player scores hits.
Now it’s time I got back to peer reviewing for others – seeing some awesome stuff out there.
Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 277 user reviews.